Download the Fitness Trainers Inc. Informed Consent form
Please answer the following questions so that we may:
1. Help determine your goals
2. Develop a plan to achieve your goal based on your individual lifestyle, preferences and medical history.
3. Gather critical information to expedite your training.
4. Have you consulted with an FTI Employee? If so, who did you speak with?
What would you like to accomplish through an excercise and/or nutrition program?
Decrease Body Fat
Increase Muscle Tone/Definition
Increase Muscle Mass
Increase Energy Level
Decrease Stress
Decrease Pain
Increase Cardiorespiratory Endurance
Increase Strength
Increase Muscular Endurance
Increase Flexibility
Sports Specific Results
Improve Medical Condition
Improve Quality of Life
Please share more information with us about your goals:
What component of our services would best help you accomplish your goals?
EDUCATION (What to do and how to do it)
MOTIVATION (Help getting it done)
ACCOUNTABILITY (Make sure it gets done)
Realistically, how many total days per week can you commit to exercising?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Realistically, per session, how much time can you dedicate to personal training?
less than 30 min. 30 min. 45 min. 60 min. 60+
What are the most convenient days and times for you to exercise?
Monday A.M. P.M.
Tuesday A.M. P.M.
Wednesday A.M. P.M.
Thursday A.M. P.M.
Friday A.M. P.M.
Saturday A.M. P.M.
Sunday A.M. P.M.
What activities/excercise programs are you involved in? What activities/excercises do you like/dislike?
How would you rate your current nutrition habits?
Excellent Good Fair Need Improvement
How has your weight fluctuated more than 10lbs. in the past 5 years?
Yes No
If any, what nutritional habits need the most improvement?
Food Selection (what you eat)
Behavior (where, when and how you eat)
Quantity Control (how much you eat)
Are you presently taking a:
Multivitamin Antioxidant Other supplement
How would you grade your current stress level?
No Stress Fair High Overwhelmingly High
What contributes the most to your stress level?
Medical Condition
*Age: *Date of Birth:
Do any of these apply to you?
High Blood Pressure Yes No
Blood Pressure Reading:
High Cholestoral >200 Yes No
Cholestoral Reading:
Smoking (currently) Yes No
How many?
Smoking (past) Yes No
How long?
Diabetic? Yes No
Abnormal EKG? Yes No
Family History of Heart Disease?
Who Age
Do have any limitations or special considerations in the following areas?
Lower Back
Chronic conditions/illnesses?
Type and History:
Current Medications
If you are currently taking more than 3 medications bring a medication list to your consultation.
FTI has permission to contact my Physicians and correspond in regards to my fitness/exercise program
How did you find out about our services?
Physician referral
Family, friend, business associate
Club Staff
Yellow Pages
Promotional Event
Marketing boards
Observation of appointment
Bryn Mawr Rehab
400 East King St, Malvern Pa 19355
21 Plank Ave #212, Paoli, PA 19301
Your Home
3600 St Davids Rd, Newtown Sq Pa 19073
100 Line Road, Malvern Pa 19355
831 Providence Rd, Malvern Pa 19366
625 Cassatt Rd, Berwyn, PA 19312
4 Industrial Boulevard, Suite 150 Paoli, PA